Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to improve Performance of applications

Here is the list of things I have done to improve performance

1. Use Javascript/JQuery when postbacks are not necessary to update portions of page.
2. Use Client Side Validation to save round trips. This way you do not post back the data unless all the controls pass the required validation criteria.
3. Use Page Methods if updating just a small piece of information.
4. Consider Table Partioning if the tables have grown enormously.
5. Consider Indexing on appropriate columns.
6. Return just the necessary data to the application. (Avoid using Select *)
7. If you have large query result, consider paginating data with Sql Server Row_Number() method.
8. Write your stored procedures WITH RECOMPILE option if you are writing a search page that allows its users to search by any of several columns.
9. Enable HTTP Compression.

I am looking forward to try HTTP Compression soon. Here is an article that details how to do this. http://madskristensen.net/post/Performance-tuning-tricks-for-ASPNET-and-IIS-7-part-1.aspx

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